Heat continues but BP is 125/72

I went to the NYU dental clinic last week (Monday the 8th) for a long preliminary appointment. A pleasant subcontinental student in a mask, named Karen, checked me over and took my blood pressure twice. It was alarmingly high, 150 or 151 over 99 or 100. I’ve never seen this before. Now, when I used Dottie’s sphyg back around Christmas or New Year’s, I came out at 130 or 135 sys and I thought that was terribly high.

So now I’ve invested in my own digital sphyg and am taking BP almost every day. A short while ago, after drinking a pint of vodka in the past 15 hours and a fair amount of coffee this morning, I came out at 125 over 72. That’s the lowest I’ve seen in the last few days. 128 over 75 is more usual. HR is high, 73 today, but I haven’t double-checked that manually. I get very strange HR readings on the Garmin and I think on this. I can be lying down and still get it in the 90s.

Carto’s birthday today. My CC contribution is about him and Elisabeth and the Truth Seeker connection. Sort of a strained connection, but nobody’s ever gone into before. Next, I think it’s Fred Weiss and Toynbee. You know, the old How Toynbee Tanked idea for which I’ve voluminous notes, some going back to about May 2019. May 2019 was when Michael brought the bikes over (they’d been stored at the AC) and we were getting around to inflating the tires…when Jeffrey Brando came by with some tina, which we were happy to smoke for the next five days or so. Many notes, many rewrites, a couple of Orwell pieces. With tina you just want to rewrite the same sentence over and over.

On Friday I phoned A.T., got through for the first time in months. The carers would tell me I had the wrong number, or I’d leave a message. Jamie tells me nobody gets the messages. Anyway, Alice Therese sounds fine. A few gaps in the memory. She couldn’t place Helen Maixner when I said she’d asked after her. Now, about ten years ago, according to Moki’s notes, it was A.T. who asked for Helen’s address (in Brussels and Gstaad), which is why I had those old addresses in the first place. Now Helen’s moved to Taos, so I got to tell A.T. about that and how Helen prefers the powder snow there to Gstaad, and is skiing still, age 90. But alas, I had to explain to her who Helen was. Maurice Tobin’s eldest, sister to Carol, whom Edmund Blake married. Edmund Blake the younger, not your uncle Edmund.

Other notable gap in her memory. She kept asking how Michael was. Was I talking to him. Yes, of course (I said) but he doesn’t answer. He’s in that dark place awaiting his Particular or Final Judgment. I gradually let it on that Michael was dead. Ashes still here, in a box and bag by the bed, awaiting transport up to Mount Auburn, which A.T. is going to pay for. (I should take care of that soon, as A.T. will no longer be with us in a matter of months and then I will have the complications with Alicia and Jamie.)

That was late Friday afternoon. Almost immediately afterwards I phoned Peter Sym@sk0. He had two numbers on his card (the one he gave us in 2011) but the first one, 860, went someplace else, a lawyer’s office, voicemail. Second one, 508 area code, Cape and Islands, got Peter. I introduced myself as M____ and he knew who I was immediately. I said I’d responded to his card with another card and letter, with ideas of what to do with Mary Alice Cooke, née Kirby. But I’d never mailed them. (I finally mailed them, and a postcard, two days ago.) So I explained my ideas. A.T. may need a better carer. And then there’s Mimi C0ll1ch down in Bucks County, with all her infirmities. Peter’s lady friend, Maria, is Mary Alice’s younger sister. She is in fact the youngest Kirby, and the one who worked at the Jockey Club, at least was working there when we met her at Dan Burns’s funeral reception in Winchester in June 2011. I recall her as being slender, dark-haired, quite pretty, and far too young-looking for her age. She was about 40 then, looked 30 at most. Maria arrived with some frozen yoghurt for Peter (he comically balked) while Peter and I were chatting, and then Peter switched me over to Maria. I got sort of a left-handed open invite to crash with them and sleep on their couch if I find my way to West Falmouth. That would have to be in a month or more. i have to decide whether or not I’m doing Asbury Park on August 10th, and if I travel up there I have to combine visits, see A.T., and maybe the Burns Library.

Asbury Park is almost certainly off the table. I reserved a room in what looks like a shitty motel, a former HJ Motor Lodge, three miles away. I reserved this on Moki’s Apple Card. I also paid $350 to Con Ed on Moki’s Apple Card, and there will be hell to pay if I get discovered. One good reason to cancel Asbury Park. Another is just the modest expense of getting there, and possibly Ubering around. Finally, I’m not in shape. Can’t do a 5k. It’s less than four weeks away. I’ve used the 90+ heat and high humidity of the past two weeks as an excuse to do little running. Current plan is, I’ll pay one visit to Asbury Park, this week or next. If I’m jazzed up at the prospect, I’ll floor the accelerator, practice-wise.

Took bicycle out on Sunday. Realized I could only do the lower loop because of the heat and my own weakness. Then I lost the chain around Belvedere Fountain. Could be my right shoelace got caught and pulled it. Anyway, instead of pulling the derailleur and getting the chain back on (it’s been a long while) I walked the bike through the Mall and back home. Came in the back door and Wojech told me I had to take the passenger elevator because they’re doing the “garbage” in the service elevator.

A week or so ago I got something I’ve long wanted, a USB record player for playing/transferring vinyl. When it arrived I realize that I had only record, and that was the Ben Bagley “Decline and Fall” thing, still in its shipping box with Certificate of Authenticity from Maxine Andrews’s estate sale, which I bought on eBay about 20 years ago. I knew I had some other strange record, or set of records, of Nelson Eddy and someone singing selections from New Moon. Also from eBay. But I couldn’t find the New Moon records. They are in a small box, 45rpm-size. They sat on one of the middle red bookshelves for years and years, never played. I emptied the bookshelves when moving things around in May and June, but where did I put the Nelson Eddy? After looking about five times, I found the New Moon next to the Michelle Phan makeup book and the watercolor guide (freebies from Penguin Random House, July 2015), which I’d put in the bookshelves by the far corner. After some hit-and-miss attempts with thumbdrives, I recorded the Ben Bagley and the Nelson Eddy, then went and ordered more Ben Bagley from eBay. Two records, Cole Porter Revisited and Unpublished Cole Porter (which Ben was planning as a revue, to follow the Decline and Fall revue, but never actually produced; thus began his steady course of producing revue records with celebrity singers but never producing any more revues). I’ve owned both of these records before. The first was give me by Eric Johnson from the Forestry Library back in 1973 or 1974, and I played it a lot on Nancy Nelson’s stereo when I moved into 411 Elm Street with Geoffrey in late 1974. It was the only record I had till Bill Lable, the madman upstairs, gave me a Bert Ambrose LP, also Cole Porter.

But you know, somehow I didn’t enjoy these records as much as I thought I would, as much as I used to. As I have no more vinyl to copy, I’ve covered the phonograph with the Henri Bendel bag from my knapsack purse.

The Bendel sack previously covered the Mac Color Classic. I’ve decided to use a cut-down ULine poly bag instead. That way I can show it off. I have no one to show it off to, of course, unless I have Paul and Anthony up here this weekend. They’re flying in on Saturday morning, we’re having brunch at the Carlyle, and I have to have some kind of smart dress to wear, though I don’t own one, at least one that’s available.

Right now the Color Classic is downloading all my Blarg inbox to Eudora Light. Is there enough memory? Surely I’m going to be trashing most of these. I didn’t even have the ethernet cable plugged in until today. My mind was on these things, because I wanted to see how much utility I could get out of the Color Classic. I still have ancient copies of Word and Quark on there. Also Illustrator and Photoshop. Out of mild curiosity I looked at some diary entries from mid-1999. I do not know which book these entries came from; I haven’t located the original volume. But I’m glad I bothered to type these out years ago, no doubt back at 928 Hudson Street, Hoboken. Because they’re real eye-openers. Moki was terribly, terribly miserable, and mean to me, almost nonstop, from the time he got back from Oz in early May until I finally took the place in ‘Boken. When I finally found the place in late July (just before Mr. Pat Thompson came from NZ to visit; he and I bicycled around Hoboken and I showed him my forthcoming address, but Moki stayed home, in bed and drunk for days) Moki was irritated that I didn’t have immediate tenancy. “You should have just JUMPED on that!” No help from him when I moved finally, a month after this. It was Dana and her friend Cal, from the place on Essex St. that would eventually be closed from a building fire. Another discovery, or rediscovery, was the appearance of Lynn Conway in the diary, about mid-1999. The Egregious Nicki was inviting Lynn to the Friends List. That of course came to a bad end, as Nicki liked to stir things up with innuendo and rancid gossip. But until now I’d long supposed the Lynn Conway episode happened around November 1998.

In a desultory sort of way I’ve been cleaning Moki’s bathroom, a little at a time, every couple of weeks, for six or eight months. And it’s ALMOST clean now.

I’m still coming across evidence of Moki’s fleeting attempts to solve the scat legacy. He bought electric Black & Decker scrubbers. Those triangular red scrubber-type things hanging in the utility closet for the last few years: unused, but that’s what they were for. And the dozens of cleaning potions and drill attachments. And of course the lighted toilet seat, which was my first discovery. That came loose recently btw. I had to get the instructions and reattach the plastic nuts to the two bolts that go down through the seat bracket. While detaching the seat from the bracket and reading the instructions I kept thinking of those guys in the Malvern 2021 reunion videos. Victor Faralli and George Sheehan and Abell and Fickinger and Beebe. Somebody’s saying Paul Duffy is up in Ontario at his granddaughter’s wedding. A granddaughter I can believe. But old enough to get married?

Tonight in DUMBO there’s a party at a big beer joint for the nruns people, a celebration for the roaring success of out Brooklyn Half-Marathon back in April. I have to clean myself up before I go. Haven’t showered in over a week. Maybe I’ll wander down to TMPL, do an hour’s workout. Yeah, that’s it. It’s getting close to three now. I can be back here before six, with my hair shampooed and dried. But not dyed. The white roots are sticking out all over. I think I still have some of the color-spray gunk.