Yale Course Critique

A truly terrifying nightmare. I’d incompleted a lot of courses in college so they were going to throw me out. I’d been summoned to a meeting of the Executive Committee in SSS or some building in that region. I think 6:30 on a Monday evening. Somehow I got mixed up and thought it was 2:30 in the afternoon. Anyway I slept late, till a quarter-to-two. Was sleeping in the basement of Bingham or Farnham, I don’t know why. A new semester had begun and I’d only glanced at the blue book, the course catalog. I’d made up my mind I was going to pretend to be a very serious, earnest student from here on out. Actually take courses and finish them.

So at 2pm I was rushing around trying to find another copy of the course catalog. In the basement of some building where they run student businesses I find what I think is the course catalog, but it’s only a Course Critique, laid out with a cover to look like the course catalog. I can’t find my courses at all, just long essays about things I’m not interested in. But where is the course catalog? I think they hand them out in some building near Dwight Hall.

But I’m in a rush, have to get to Hillhouse Avenue shortly, and I don’t think I can make it. I head up towards Dwight, or Linsly-Chit, but the buildings are cordoned off. I stand in the middle of Elm Street, between Durfee and Calhoun, and yell out asking if anyone’s got a copy of the course catalog. Only I say Course Critique, which I don’t need or want.

Here I woke from this truly terrifying nightmare, which is pretty much what both halves of my undergraduate career were like.